Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Law Society says Traineeship numbers "relatively steady"

Traineeships steady claim Law Society of Scotland. Commenting on the publication of the number of traineeships started in 2012/13, Katie Wood, manager in the Law Society of Scotland's Registrar's team, said: "The number of people starting training contracts has been relatively steady for the past three years and with a slight 3% decrease in practice year 2012/13 compared with the previous practice year, people looking to start traineeships can expect a continuing high degree of competition, but perhaps not at the level of 2010. 

"These statistics are a useful indicator for people considering the next step in pursuing a career as a solicitor, in particular those thinking of doing a Diploma in Professional Legal Practice or currently on the Diploma and seeking a traineeship. 

"It's interesting to see a 3% increase in the number of trainees working in-house as there are varied career opportunities in commercial organisations. The Law Society and the In-House Lawyers Group have been working together to promote the number of in-house traineeships and I was delighted to be invited to take part in the panel session at the group's conference in October as part of this initiative.  

"We also recently published Taking on a Trainee, which is a factual look at what's involved and have published articles busting some of the myths about having a trainee. I would encourage anyone interested in taking on a trainee to look at the information we have provided on our website.

"We offer careers support to students and trainees in a number of ways, from a recently launched mentoring scheme, to visiting first, third and fourth year LLB students and those on the Diploma to ensure that people have the facts to help them make the best career choices for their circumstances."

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