Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Legal Aid Board Chief Douglas Haggarty escapes prosecution over Glasgow rent boy toilet incident

Law Chief held with rent boy - Sunday Mail 3 May 2009 eSenior SLAB lawyer Douglas Haggarty, charged with offence involving teenage male prostitute. After being charged over an incident involving an alleged encounter with a ‘rent boy’ (young male prostitute) in a Glasgow shopping centre toilet, Douglas Haggarty, the Legal Services Chief at the Scottish Legal Aid Board has been rescued by Tory Lord Advocate hopeful Paul McBride QC, and will now not face a court. having been dealt with by a ‘direct penalty’, although strangely enough, the Crown Office are rather reluctant to admit what penalty has been imposed.

Allegations of a ‘rent boy justice system’ persist …

Lawyer cleared in rent boy quiz - Daily Record 15 08  2009LAWYER CLEARED IN RENT BOY QUIZ

Aid chief keeps job Daily Record 15/08/2009
By Paul Thornton

A LEGAL Aid boss, who was arrested in a toilet with a rent boy, has kept his job and won't be struck off as a lawyer.

Douglas Haggarty, 58, was found with the teenager by security guards in British Home Stores in the St Enoch Centre, Glasgow, in January.

The head of legal services at the Scottish Legal Aid Board, where his duties include lecturing lawyers on their conduct, was charged with soliciting in a public place.

But his lawyer, Paul McBride, QC, claimed there was not enough evidence and charges were dropped.

The Crown Office said Haggarty had been dealt with by a direct measure but would not say whether it was a warning letter, fine or other penalty.

Now the Law Society of Scotland have revealed he will face no professional sanctions.

The high-flying lawyer, who lives in Glasgow's Merchant City, went off sick from work after the incident but is understood to have been back for several months.

A Law Society spokesman said: "The society's client care committee took account of the fiscal's decision and reasons for it."

A SLAB spokesman said: "It would be inappropriate for the board to comment on a matter personal to a member of staff."

Charges against the teenager were also dropped.

1 comment:

  1. How where the rent boys paid for ? Legal Aid ?

    Did he declare any earnings when applying for Legal Aid to pay rent boys ? (presuming he did so since it says the Fiscal dealt with him)

    Did the rent boy have a valid practising certificate stamped by the Law Society so he could do his 'rent boying' according to the code of conduct ?

    These and many more questions must be asked !
