Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Law & Order : 18 Police Officers worked on shamed banker Goodwin’s broken window

It has emerged that 18 Police Officers were drafted in to investigate no more than three broken windows at the home of Sir Fred Goodwin, the banker who broke the Royal Bank of Scotland, and the UK Treasury. (Not the best use of Plod’s time perhaps ? – Ed)

The Daily Record reports :

Revealed: 18 cops needed to investigate Fred Goodwin's broken window

May 19 2009

EIGHTEEN police officers investigated three smashed windows at shame banker Sir Fred Goodwin's home, it emerged yesterday.

The axed Royal Bank of Scotland chief executive's home was vandalised in March by a group calling themselves Bank Bosses Are Criminals.

A Freedom of Information Act request revealed Lothian and Borders Police spent 65 hours on the case.

Their team included five detectives, forensic specialists, a dog handler and hi-tech crime inspectors looking into an email which claimed responsibility.

But the attack on Fred the Shred's home in Grange, Edinburgh, is still unsolved. A force spokesman said officers at first went to "investigate any potential threat to personal safety".

He added: "When it was confirmed that there was no immediate risk to any individual, the response was scaled down.

"All personal attack alarms or similar alarm calls are treated as a priority, irrespective of the address.

"Ongoing crimes or threats to personal safety being given a higher priority than those where a crime has already taken place and the accused is no longer in the vicinity."

The vandalism came amid huge public anger over Goodwin's £700,000-a-year pension after he drove RBS to the edge of collapse.

When the alarm was first raised, four officers spent four hours carrying out a search.

A police dog handler joined the hunt for an hour and two PCs were posted outside the banker's home for 16 hours.

A forensic team spent two hours at the scene while two constables carried out 12 hours of door-to-door inquiries.

Two scenes-of-crime officers took part in the probe for more than two hours, supervised by a sergeant for an hour.

The investigation was overseen for 16 hours by two detective constables , led by a detective inspector for six hours.

Detective inspectors spent five hours investigating emails sent to the media, which threatened the incident was "just the beginning".

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